
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Den Of The Damned Storyboards

I've been tinkering with some ideas to promote a script I wrote, titled The Den Of The Damned.  One idea in motion is to make a limited number of storyboards that will give a broad overview to the whole story.  It's a live-action screenplay, but the artwork (obviously) is not.

So, here's the first panel.  As you can see there's a "+Spaghetti Western" look, along the lines of "+The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly".  I really like this one.

Here's another panel:

Obviously staying with the "Spaghetti" theme.  One more panel:

This one went a little bit away from the "Spaghetti Western" style I was going after, but overall it works.  It's going to take a little time, but I'll fix the color scheme of this one.


I altered the color scheme, and am trying to get the image to match the contrast-style of the other panels.  I'm still deciding how much detail to leave in if I'm going to match the silhouette form of the first panels which, again, goes for the Spaghetti Western/+Clint Eastwood westerns poster look.

So, I'll keep tinkering with all these (there are 8 total, so far), and will have a finished presentation in relatively short order.  This script has a good story, and probably the best characters I've ever written.  Hopefully I can bring some producers on board soon, and get the ball rolling on financing.